Friday, June 27, 2008

Vegan Momma

Five weeks, life changing. In just five weeks I have transformed my diet into a whole foods plant based diet. Why? I don't really know but I decided to try it after reading "The China Study." In it the author (T. Colin Campbell) invites everyone to try it for one month and see how it transforms your health. And after five weeks of living on the whole foods plant based diet (I call it "whole vegan"), what are the results? No arthritis in my wrists knees and ankles! I lost 7 lbs. I feel better and I have a lot more energy!

Eating this way has not been the easiest adjustment in my life, but I feel my health and my family's health is well worth it! I'm starting this blog to document this new way of life so that I can come back and remember everything that I am learning. I've spent a couple hours a day studying what to eat and another hour figuring out how to make it. So far it's been fun for me. I'm learning a whole new world of foods I never knew existed! My taste buds are certainly changing, I'm tasting new foods and I love them. It is really wonderful. Why haven't I eaten this way all my life? Well I won't go there. . . yes I will . . .Because I'm American. And we are so centered around one way of eating: Fast, easy, convenient, processed. This is my blog.